Who are they today? : Deborah Feldman

My private yoga classes and personal practice continue to grow and thrive. The training gave me the confidence to put a class together that people enjoy and benefit from. -Deborah Feldman

This month on the YTT blog we’re featuring Deborah Feldman who joined us for 200 hours of training and graduated 6 years ago in 2017. Since then Deb has started teaching a lot of yoga and has a specialty certification teaching Chair Yoga. We caught up with Deb recently for Who Are They Today?

  • Can you reflect a bit on the format of your training and why it worked for you? And maybe also why/if it challenged you?

I was part of a 6-week intensive training program in Montpelier, VT. It worked VERY WELL for me. I had the time to devote to the program, and I loved being immersed every day in the yoga world. The biggest challenge was setting aside that amount of time. I would do it again, though, because learning in that manner really helped me to embody the yogic lifestyle and philosophy.

  • Tell a little about having multiple trainers/guest teachers during the YTT program...

The main teacher was Chrissy with an occasional class with someone else.  It's useful to have different teachers and perspectives moving through the program. There are basic principles that carry throughout, and each teacher puts their own spin on how those principles are carried out in practice and in daily life.

  • Where has your life taken you since then? What has changed? What has stayed the same? What do you remember most from YTT?

I started teaching quite soon after taking the teacher training. I also became certified in Chair Yoga. Until 2020, yoga was my side gig while I worked at other jobs. I went to teaching yoga as my main focus just as the pandemic got into full swing. Still, I offered online classes in both mat & chair as well as some private classes which got me through those challenging years. Since then, I don't offer much online although I do have a student who does Chair Yoga online weekly. I offer 1 Chair Yoga class a week and am about to offer a 2nd. My private yoga classes and personal practice continue to grow and thrive. The training gave me the confidence to put a class together that people enjoy and benefit from. 

  • What does an average day in your life look like currently?

I get up about 5 am, write morning pages and then meditate. On my busiest days I will see 2 private students and teach a Chair Yoga class . Other days I may take a class. I write a Gratitude list at the end of most days, read and go to bed. 

  • Are you teaching yoga or meditation? If yes, tell more! 

Yes, I teach both yoga and meditation to private students and in classes. At times I have offered specialty workshops especially in foot work. I am planning on offering a workshop for feet and hands and psychomotor hand work in January.

  • Are you practicing yoga or meditation? If yes, tell more!

I sit in meditation most days for 45 minutes. I teach yoga and practice Pilates each week. I'm part of a book club at the yoga studio and I listen to dharma talks by Gil Fronsdal from the Insight Meditation Center in CA. 

  • Would you recommend this training to others? Why?

It's wonderful to immerse yourself in the training that Chrissy offers. She is a highly experienced practitioner and brings in outside people who also have strong personal practices.  By the end of training, you know the mechanics of putting together a class in addition to having exposure to the yogic philosophy, beyond the asana.

  • What's next? Any plans for 2024?

At the moment, I have a workshop, Extreme Extremities, planned for January 2024… Perhaps I will continue offering a 2nd Chair Yoga class, and more students are coming to me privately for a combination of yoga and mentoring. It all works together to create a fascinating and fulfilling life here in VT.
