The Monthly Meet-Up Collection



 MEET-UP: April 8, 2024. Click Here to watch! YTT4, 70 minutes.

  • GROUP GOALS: community, connection, challenge, “developing the yoga brain”

  • JOURNAL: What are your personal and/or professional goals for the next 6 months? 1 year? 3 years? 5 years? Up to 1 hr, YTT4.

  • WATCH Retreat Planning , which was recorded Sunday April 14 at 7 pm on Zoom with Chrissy. Click for the Retreat Planning Guide and Worksheet as well!

  • Practice Teaching: OPPORTUNITIES

    • Please Visit the Grateful Yoga Mini-Series Collection

    • PRACTICE as many as you like, YTT1. Please leave a comment with feedback on each class you participate in… A great chance to explore and experience Variety, Flavor + Style!

    • CREATE your own and submit the theme/lesson plan the Chrissy for REVIEW, YTT4.

    • TEACH them + Chrissy will talk you thru this process, pay you, plus SHARE via the Grateful Yoga page. YTT5.

  • In an effort to unite and inspire, I’m RE-assigning Section 1 of the YTT4 section from the 300 CLUB. You’ll find UP TO 5 hours of work there which is why I’ve condensed Weeks 8-10 into a single “challenge”.

    • Some of you have probably completed parts of this section already, use your discretion and move thru/review accordingly + mindfully.

    • DO NOT SKIP the final part of this section where you will upload a photo and bio to the 300 CLUB media album. You can use the same bio and photo as previously assigned or write a new one…! This is a NEW media album just for the 300 CLUB and we’ll be using it as a resource in our monthly meet-ups moving forward.

  • For Further Study: DEVELOPING THE “Yoga Brain” EXPLORE this new anatomy section focused on the brain, mind and mental health... YTT2. I’ll plan to add to this monthly as we move thru meet-ups!

  • SHARE: Part of the yoga journey often feels like “getting lost”, the words scattered, all over the place and overwhelm come up often for YTT members… What are your favorite grounding or centering practices?

    • EMAIL 1 grounding or centering practice you would feel comfortable sharing during our mid (late) month check-in Monday April 29 at 7 pm EST on Zoom … Chrissy will add you to the SHARING GROUP and you’ll lead the group thru this practice! If you can attend the check-in, we’ll have you record and UPLOAD HERE to our media album! YTT5.

      • “When I feel overwhelmed or off center, I like to practice a meditation on manifestation. It only takes a few moments. I take three conscious breaths in and out of the nose. Then I bring to mind any goal(s) I have the desire to achieve. Anything that I want to do, yet may feel overwhelmed with at the moment. I embody these goals entirely. I picture myself doing them. Then I completely let these ideas go. I quiet the mind and move my attention to my low belly or my ‘knowing’. I allow the feeling of trust and confidence to grow in this area of the body. I practice feeling over thinking. I trust the universe. I then take three conscious breaths to close the meditation. “ - Contributed by Kelly W

  • FINALLY: If you want to volunteer to help with leading weekly Book Clubs, monthly Meet-Ups and/or midmonth Check-Ins… Reach out to Chrissy!

  • WATCH: The Midway Check In which was recorded on April 29, 2024.

DID YOU COMPLETE ALL OF THE ABOVE BEFORE THE NEXT MONTHLY MEET-UP on May 7th!? How many hours did you track total? I’m trying to get a feel for how much time JUST this online portion of the 300 CLUB + BEYOND takes up in a month. Let me know your feedback AND that you’ve completed this task list!