
 3. Yoga Humanities:

Yoga Philosophy, Ethics + Lifestyle

***Please remember videos + assignments must be completed to gain full credit hours. All video/photo assignments can be directly uploaded to our media album here: 

Rise + Vibe Assignments

  • KARMA YOGA: Selfless service is an important part fo the yoga philosophy. To offer without expectation of return is a large part of the work we do to set a healthy mindset and clear intention about who we are (APARIGRAHA - nonattachment and ISVARA PRANIDANA - surrender). Perhaps you volunteer already, or have been thinking about doing it for a long time. Do it! Journal and reflect, send Chrissy an email about the experience. 1 hour minimum, UP TO 3 HOURS of credit in YTT3…

  • INCLUSIVITY: READ and explore the issues around gender equality in yoga spaces. Consider these questions: who has practiced yoga historically? Where does yoga come from? Who practices yoga today? What do the ancient texts and scriptures tell us about inclusivity? How can you (as a practitioner and teacher) better support inclusivity? Email Chrissy a response! 1 hour of credit.

  • BROWSE this blog: written over the years by Chrissy. WRITE your own blog piece that expresses your personal philosophy around practicing and teaching yoga. Consider these questions: How does it FEEL to learn and live in yoga? Where does yoga belong? What have you learned about the yamas and niyamas? How is it applied? Blogs MAY bepublished with your permission, but this is not required. This is PRACTICE in expression. If you want help with a prompt or topic email Chrissy! Up to 1 credit hour per blog post, you may write up to 3 of these for 3 hours credit.

  • CREATE a workshop: first watch and participate in the class with Chrissy: (2 hour credit) Provide feedback about what you can pick-up about my personal philosphy, how do I teach the workshop? What values are presented? Are there any pieces of cultural or societal awareness?

    • While creating your workshop first choose a topic that interests you (full moon, social justice, ancient texts, a certain style of yoga, nature, science., etc etc) conduct reserach and formulate a class plan that aligns. Plan this workshop to be a MINIMUM of 2 hours and then submit your lesson plan to Chrissy via email. Up to 2 more hours credit!

    • EXTRA CREDIT: TEACH the workshop! Film yourself teaching this online or in a room with real people. Upload you video to YouTube and share the link with Chrissy OR upload to our YTT media folder:


  • Feb 4, 2022: Yama/Niyama Meditation + Sutra Study with Chrissy LINK TO READING AND HOMEWORK are included in the video. Contemplation + Philosophy.

fall semester 2021

  • Oct 18, 2021: Morning Meditation (Oct 18 : Part 1) with Chrissy A meditation on transformation or change. Some ujjayi pranayama and mantras. And a look at the role of the 5th limb (pratyahara) in that process... Enjoy!

  • Oct 18, 2021: Pratyahara + Philosophy (Oct 18 : Part Two) with Chrissy A discussion on Pratyahara and where/if it plays a role in "transformation"... Sutra Reading: REFLECT: Where does turning inward act as a place/time/space for change or transformation? As a yoga teacher? Yoga practitioner? Human Being? Email or comment your response!

  • Nov 29, 2021: Meditation Mantras for Fear + Anger with Chrissy Mantras for the re-cycling of energies we call Fear and Anger. The energy may return to us and/or the universe in a more useful form. References: Kathy McNames, Bill Barry and Bill's teacher's books: Chakra Mantras, Healing Mantras, Shakti Mantras etc by Thomas Ashley Farrand. HOMEWORK: What gives you fear? Or Anger? Comment or email your response. Thank you!

  • Jan 22, 2021: The 8 Limbs and our family/philosophy tree with Chrissy. WATCH:   HW lineage assignment ; create a visual representation of your own being, feel free to include important places and philosophies or values (like the 8 limb tree on p 52) as well people like the lineage chart (p 50) and/or any other strong influences on your sense of self… Upload a photo of this to Google media album! 

  • January 29, 2021 The 5 Elements of Practice with Chrissy This video is a review of the 8 limbs of Ashtanga Yoga alongside a look into the 5 elements of practice. Getting to know our lineage is more than just people + places. Knowing the philosophy + history of our practice can help make it more accessible and understandable. We look specifically at the Yoga Sutras + Hatha Yoga Pradipika as they map out ancient knowledge regarding obstacles we might face along the way. HOMEWORK: Read the 8 limbs as described here:  Leave questions/comments on the youtube video above or send to 

**Other docs mentioned/viewed in the video: SUTRAS 29 + 30: PRADIPIKA 10-16: 

  • February 15, 2021 Review the 8 Limbs + Mantra with Chrissy A review at the 8 limbs and the internal vs external perspective. What if life is really a balance between inner work and outer work, 50/50? Do you spend as much time turning in as you do giving out? Antara = interior, internal, Bahia = exterior, external. Plus a little mantra, page 18 of the YTT manual. To help amplify our inner intentions through our actions (thought, word + deed). Homework: Leave a question or realization about the 8 limbs in the YouTube comments! Thanks!

  • March 15, 2021 Sankalpa + Hrit Padma with Chrissy Plus a mantra for tuning into the Hrit Padma! Homework: Please practice making a Sankalpa as described in this class, leave one in the comments below! Sharing your Sankalpa of sealing it in, plus inspiring to others...

  • March 22, 2021 Ganesha Step Mantra with Chrissy Dharana, Dhyana + Samadhi; meditation for mental obstacles. Mostly practice but also a little discussion on why + how we meditate

  • March 27, 2021 Prana : Breath of Life with Christina  Sanskrit break down, How this invisible body is visibly represented, Importance in your practice, Energy/Meditation experiment. Homework: think about what we talked about/practiced in class and incorporate into your practice this week somehow.  Play around with when is the most optimal time for you to practice pranayama, when you might see/feel a difference by incorporating other ways to direct the flow of prana (refer to what was discussed in class), notice how diet affects your inquiries as well.  This is for your own personal observation to help you deepen your practice through feeling/doing this.  Journal on your findings.

  • April 3, 2021 Intro to the 5 Element Theory with Christina What are the 5 elements? How do they affect us all differently? How do they relate to yoga, Yin/Yang, etc? Homework: Reflect on the 5 elements and they’re indications of balance and consider times of day, perhaps emotions, or organs associated.  See if you can find the element you identify with the most for being balanced and one you may need to work on a little more than others to find balance.  What does this reveal to you about your own nature?  What else can you draw from this?  Do you find any of this beneficial/insightful/useful in identifying themes in your life?