YTT Module 1-WEEK 1
Sections 1-4
WATCH our Welcome Video: .5 hr, YTT4. Includes the link to our ENTRY SURVEY in the video description! Please be sure you’ve located this link + filled this out..
WATCH + Take Notes - Tools for Success: .5 hr, YTT4. Please read the video description for links to your manuals + for other YTT resources…Questions? Email Chrissy! No questions?! Email your training plan, timeframe, etc to Chrissy!
PRACTICE: Intro to Asana Class: 6 videos, 10-12 mins each. These intro classes are designed as bite size samples which can be followed one after… Use the passcode Rising24 to access this collection of classes. REVIEW the Five Elements of Practice on pg 10 of the YTT manual once you have completed this classes. 1.5 hrs, YTT1.
Intro to Meditation: 1 hour, YTT1. Homework to DEFINE MEDITATION, please read video description for instructions on how to submit your response.
PRACTICE : Mantra Meditation : 30 mins, YTT1
READ THIS LETTER by David Williams and WRITE your own letter to students. You may choose to include some biographical information, some of your personal philosophy/perspective and your own definition of YOGA. Email this letter to Chrissy. .5 hr, YTT3.
4.5 credit hours
INTRO TO PRANAYAMA - UJJAYI with Bibby. 1 hr, YTT1 - This video covers practice AND technique offering a thorough intro to approaching and maintaining a healthy pranayama practice. Don’t forget to leave a comment on this video after watching!
Mindy Pistacchio’s ANATOMY Meet and Greet. 1 hr, YTT2… Intro, Review of Favorite Anatomy Books, How the Anatomy classes are structured, props needed. CLICK HERE to DOWNLOAD +/or print the ANATOMY MANUAL: + READ the written section of the anatomy manual, Email 2 questions from the text.
PRACTICE Mellow Vinyasa w/ Chrissy. 1 hr, YTT1.
60 minutes
4. Anatomy of the Bandhas with Mindy. Homework: RECORD and upload a short teaching segment introducing bandhas to students, videos should be uploaded to our media album here. 1 hr, YTT2.
5. Mantra + Identity w/ Chrissy (p 24 of the YTT manual) Why do we do mantra? It is important to have a sense of self as a teacher. We want to get to know you also! Homework: READ our YTT Staff Bios. Submit a PHOTO of yourself and WRITE a BIO (1 paragraph minimum) to our album here. When you upload the photo to our media album you will be able to type or paste the BIO in the description of your photo. 1.5 hrs, YTT4.
5.5 credit hours
Defining Yoga + Teacher with Chrissy. BRAINSTORM words that come to mind when you think the word YOGA and the word TEACHER. READ Yoga Sutras 1:1+2 with the interpretation. Use the other docs as reference for now… All references are linked in the video description. PLEASE remember to always read every video Description, LIKE and leave a COMMENT. 1 hr, YTT3.
PRACTICE: F L O W Down with Chrissy. 1 hr, YTT1.
PRACTICE Guru Mantras + Intro to Mudra with Chrissy. 48 mins YTT1. Defining “GURU” (inner/outer, dark/light) + “MUDRA” (gesture, seal, symbol) - Homework: study the mudra page: passcode to enter is MUDRA2020 … Practice at least one mudra for 3 minutes. JOURNAL: Do you have any experience with mudras? How could these integrate into your yoga classes? Or your own practice? 1 hr, YTT1.
Study Surya Namaskara A + B. .5 hr, YTT4:
RECORD + practice teach EITHER Surya A or B, you may teach to the camera OR have a real human in your video, whatever you prefer. Lead at least 3 repetitions, practice your cues and have fun! ***This is our first practice teaching assignment, a great way to get comfortable in front of the camera and learn to breathe, teach, smile and relax all at the same time…
Anatomy of the Neck, Diaphragm and Accessory Breathing Muscles and Respiratory System with Mindy. Homework: GUIDE a beginner yogi through an intro to yogic breathing. What did you notice in your student’s ability to breathe fully? How did they feel? Record your teaching and share to the media album for additional feedback. 2.5 hrs, YTT2.
5.5 Credit Hours
Practice the Gayatri Mantra + do Cultural Research with Chrissy. 1.5 hr, YTT4. RESEARCH the Gayatri Mantra (sometimes called the Maha Gayatri Mantra) You can use books, google, youtube, yoga journal, facebook, instagram, yoga alliance, yoga international or ANY resources you like. How has it showed up historically for humans? Ancient history? Modern Uses? Colonization/Modernization? Do you have any questions?? RESPOND with words and relevant resource(s) via email to Chrissy.
WATCH: Mulabandha + 5 Elements review with Chrissy. And the READ this piece: written by Andrea Bottiggi as part of her 200 hour graduation. Send any questions re: bandhas to Chrissy via email and PLEASE COMMENT on the video. .5 hrs, YTT2.
Sun Salutations + Standing with Mindy 1.5 hr, YTT4. A complete breakdown of various Sun Salutation with accessible modifications and a brief history. Start to consider your own standing sequences… Homework: Create a sun salutation for kids or other modifications. Upload your sequencing creation or recorded video to our media album.
PRACTICE Chandra Yoga with Chrissy 1 hr, YTT1. CHANDRA means MOON, a little different then a traditional SURYA or SUN focused flow.
PRACTICE Pranayama (Ujjayi + Kumbhaka) with Chrissy. .5 hr, YTT1
4.5 Credit Hours
Finished Sections 1-4?… CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve completed MODULE 1 including 20 credited hours towards your certifcation with the Rise and Vibe School of Yoga. Continue on to Module 2.