YTT Module 5-WEEK 5
Sections 1-4
Mantra Meditation with Chrissy. 1 hr, YTT1. LINK TO Surya Mantras Doc.
Ashtanga Primary Series with Chrissy. 1.5 hr, YTT1.
Biomechanics with Sara. BREATH and the Core Unit. PLEASE listen and see journal prompt PLUS reference LINKS in video description. HOMEWORK: Use a resource such as an anatomy coloring book or web search to familiarize yourself with the muscles and structures of the deep core, including Transversus Abdominis, the muscles of the deep pelvic floor, the lumbar multifidi, the diaphragm, and also the thoracolumbar fascia. Study their location, orientation of the fibers, and actions. 1.5 hr, YTT2.
DRISHTIS and Pratyahara (Part 1) with Chrissy . HOMEWORK: CONSIDER DRISHTI, the 3rd element in the Ashtanga practice and another connection between physical and mental practice (pranayama and bandhas being the ones we've looked at already). What are your favorite drishtis? Why is teaching drishti important? Where can we try to bridge the physical and mental gap as teachers and practitioners? Why is this valuable? JOURNAL. .5 hr, YTT3.
PRACTICUM: Consider the 5 elements on p 10 in your YTT manual. Using your knowledge so far create a lesson plan to teach with the goal being introducing and explaining these 5 elements (physically AND energetically). Then find a student and practice teach, OR upload a recording of your class to our media album. YTT5, 1 hour
Mellow Vinyasa with Chrissy: 1 hr, YTT1.
Bhastrika + Kapalabhati Pranayama with Bibby: .5 hr, YTT1.
Pratyahara + Philosophy (Part Two) with Chrissy. A brief discussion on Pratyahara and where/if it plays a role in "transformation"... READ THIS Sutra Reading + REFLECT: Where does turning inward act as a place/time/space for change or transformation? As a yoga teacher? Yoga practitioner? Human Being? Email Chrissy! 1 hr. YTT3.
READ: The prologue to Krishnamacharya’s book, Yoga Makaranda: Historical context offers us a deeper understanding of systems East and West. Is there anything you’ve learned from this reading? Has it raised any questions or insights? EMAIL Chrissy. 1 hour, YTT4.
GRATEFUL YOGA Studio Tour : Visit Chrissy’s virtual yoga studio (passcode: ALIVE25) … Click around and feel free to self-serve classes. FOR TODAY focus on branding, studio “vibes” if you will. CLICK the different tabs, LEARN about our studio. Look at the websites (NOT social media) of a few of your favorite yoga studios, or research some in your area. Consider the representations of yoga; what do you see? How do you feel? JOURNAL your own branding/marketing ideas. 1 hour, YTT4.
Koshas : Review, Questions + Asana with Christina. 1 hr, YTT2.
Homework: Create a sequence (5 posture minimum) to bring you through the koshas. Think of it like this if you need a little inspiration: each asana represents an aspect of posture awareness as you move through a yoga sequence and you can move from one “body” to the next. ALSO PRACTICE your sequence and reflect/refine. UPLOAD a image or recording of your sequence to our media album. 1 hr, YTT4
PRACTICE: F L O W Down with Chrissy. .75 hr, YTT1.
READ The Mango Tree Story written by Krishnamacharya himself: Consider the prologue excerpt from the previous section of this module. RESPOND in writing on the connection between energetic and physical practices. What does this story of the mango tree represent? EMAIL this to Chrissy. .75 hr, YTT3.
PRACTICE Chakra Mantras with Chrissy. 1 hour, YTT1.
Teaching with Themes with Mindy. Teaching with a theme helps with lesson planning, continuity and making classes fun! Homework: List 5 themes. Choose 5-7 postures to fit your theme. What postures did you choose? Why did you choose them? How can you tie it all together? Email Mindy your response! 1hr, YTT4.
Sequencing with Mindy. The Bikram sequence + a discussion… Homework: Thoughts on this does it feel in your body without the heat? What are some benefits? JOURNAL and any questions about sequencing? You’ve had exposure to quite a few types of classes and sequences… EMAIL Chrissy along questions/answers! 1 hour, YTT4.
Pran(A)natomy: The 5 Vayus with Chrissy. ASSIGNMENT: Create a physical representation of the 5 vayus (digital, by hand or otherwise!) and upload to the media folder. 1 hr YTT2.
PRACTICE Bramari (+ Mantra) with Chrissy .5 hr, YTT1.
HOMEWORK: Self guided practice - Yoga Nidra CHOOSE a resource below (up to 1 hour, YTT4):
Yoga Nidra with Chrissy: and/or this one
Search Yoga Nidra on Youtube
Use one from LoveYourBrain
The Pranayama Collection: VISIT this page, every pranayama class we’ve ever filmed! Chose a few videos to review or watch fresh… Consider this a resource and final COMPREHENSION review of pranayama techniques as a teacher and practitioner. 1 hour, YTT4.
Finished Sections 1-4?… CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve completed MODULE 5 including 20 credited hours towards your certifcation with the Rise and Vibe School of Yoga. Continue on to Module 6.