The Rise + Vibe 300 Hour

YTT5: Practicum Collection

  1. The Mini Series: Visit the Grateful Yoga Mini-Series Collection. These are 4-packs of 30 minute classes with a certain intention. Use your lesson planning elements to create you own theme, lesson plans, etc or a mini-series. Then, contact Chrissy about publishing them with Grateful Yoga, she can help make a plan for recording the classes or transferring files. In addition to tracking your prep time (up to 2 hrs, YTT4) and your teaching time (2 hrs, YTT5) you’ll be compensated for your contribution to the virtual studio!

    • If you want to practice any of the mini-series that are already there, count your practice time as YTT1.

  2. The Vayu Vinyasa: Consider the Prana Anatomy assignment and the 5 vayus. Choose one Vayu. Create a Vinyasa style class with this Vayu as the theme, consider the defintion of VINYASA: to take apart, to put together, carefully, mindfullly. In addition to a lesson plan, record the class as a practice teach. Feel free to include independent research, interpretation, multiple lesson planning elements + be creative. Contact Chrissy with any questions, and upload your final recording for feedback. THANKS! Up to 3 hours, YTT5.

  3. SEQUENCING PROMPTS: these are designed to be like journal prompts for creating a sequence. Use books, the internet and your own experience! Feel free to ask Chrissy for specific resources on any theme, and then go for it. SEQUENCE + PRACTICE TEACH (20-60 mins): upload to our media album here.

    • Consider Anatomical Systems of the Body: Respiratory, Digestive, Reproductive, Muscular, Lymph, Nervous, Skeletal, Cardiac, etc.

    • A particular population: Seniors, youth, runners, school teachers, nurses, amputees, veterans, LGBTQ+, BIPOC, corporate employees.

    • A practical purpose: bedtime, wake-up, stress relief, pain management, flexibility, strength, focus, happiness, peace, grieving, coping, etc..

    • Yogic Philosophy: yama, niyama, a yoga sutra, classical texts, ancient stories, the 8 limbs.

    • A “peak” pose: spending class preparing for a certain shape, often include layering movements, progressions and repetition.

    • Limited mobility (a few common conditions): No weight in wrists, no arms over head, no bending knees more than right angle, no back bends, no inversions (no heart over head), no standing postures, no seated postures, everything in a chair…

    • I’ll do more of these. I could spit these like rhymes all day, if you ever need a class theme “prompt” send an email or a quick note!