YTT4 Collection from our 200 hour Modules
WATCH our Welcome Video: .5 hr, YTT4. Includes the link to our ENTRY SURVEY in the video description! Please be sure you’ve located this link + filled this out..
WATCH + Take Notes - Tools for Success: .5 hr, YTT4. Please read the video description for links to your manuals + for other YTT resources…Questions? Email Chrissy! No questions?! Email your training plan, timeframe, etc to Chrissy!
5. Mantra + Identity w/ Chrissy (p 24 of the YTT manual) Why do we do mantra? It is important to have a sense of self as a teacher. We want to get to know you also! Homework: READ our YTT Staff Bios. Submit a PHOTO of yourself and WRITE a BIO (1 paragraph minimum) to our album here. When you upload the photo to our media album you will be able to type or paste the BIO in the description of your photo. 1.5 hrs, YTT4.
4. Study Surya Namaskara A + B. .5 hr, YTT4:
RECORD + practice teach EITHER Surya A or B, you may teach to the camera OR have a real human in your video, whatever you prefer. Lead at least 3 repetitions, practice your cues and have fun! ***This is our first practice teaching assignment, a great way to get comfortable in front of the camera and learn to breathe, teach, smile and relax all at the same time…
Practice the Gayatri Mantra + do Cultural Research with Chrissy. 1.5 hr, YTT4. RESEARCH the Gayatri Mantra (sometimes called the Maha Gayatri Mantra) You can use books, google, youtube, yoga journal, facebook, instagram, yoga alliance, yoga international or ANY resources you like. How has it showed up historically for humans? Ancient history? Modern Uses? Colonization/Modernization? Do you have any questions?? RESPOND with words and relevant resource(s) via email to Chrissy.
3. Sun Salutations + Standing with Mindy 1.5 hr, YTT4. A complete breakdown of various Sun Salutation with accessible modifications and a brief history. Start to consider your own standing sequences… Homework: Create a sun salutation for kids or with other modifications. Upload your sequencing creation or recorded video to our media album.
4. WATCH: The 8 Limbs and our family/philosophy tree with Chrissy. Lineage Part 1. CREATE: a visual representation of your own being, feel free to include important places and philosophies or values (like the 8 limb tree on p 52) as well people like the lineage chart (p 50) and/or any other strong influences on your sense of self… Upload a photo of this to Google media album! 1.5 hrs, YTT4.
1. Marketing 101, an introduction for yoga teachers with Chrissy. How have you witnessed, observed and noticed marketing and yoga? Respond to me via email with QUESTIONS and any other comments arising from this intro to marketing segment. 1 hr, YTT4.
4. PRACTICE this Identity Meditation technique featuring Nikita Patel. .5 hr, YTT1.
THEN Record a video, minimum 60 seconds, introducing yourself and why you practice yoga. Consider where yoga falls into your identity, remember Yamas + Niyamas. UPLOAD this video to our media album. .5 hr, YTT4.
5. Meet Stephanie Smith and practice an INTRO to Kids Yoga with Pete the Cat! Consider professional teaching styles, personalities and authenticity. Pay attention to how different teachers use different techniques… ENJOY! .5 hr, YTT4.
5. Types of Japa + Teaching Mantra with Chrissy. HOMEWORK: Practice teach a mantra to a friend or family member, online or in person. Comment on and share your experience with Chrissy including which mantra you taught and how it went! 1 hr, YTT4.
2. Lesson Planning Elements with Chrissy. This practice is essential to your development as a teacher and something I still incorporate today. REFERENCE DOCUMENT. Homework: DO IT! Plan some lessons. 1hr, YTT4.
You may record up to 10 hours total of this work on your own towards YTT5/Practicum thru out your YTT. Upload a photo or doc of each lesson plan to the media album.
3. PRACTICE: Yoga for Beginners! with Mindy. 1 hour, YTT4. Things to consider, setting up a class, etc for beginners … Remember, we were all beginners once!
3. Create a 20 minute SEQUENCE for BEGINNERS. Keep in mind all that you know. UPLOAD a photo or screenshot of your beginners sequence here. .5 hr, YTT4.
3. Types of Classes with Chrissy. CHOOSE ONE TYPE OF CLASS AND PLAN IT ALL OUT, email Chrissy your lesson plan and questions. 1 hr, YTT4.
4. READ this excerpt: from the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. CONTEMPLATE the 6 ways yoga “perishes” and 6 ways it “succeeds” according to this text. Is there anything here you find relevant from this older text to your own modern day practice?? How about as a teacher?? JOURNAL. 1 hour, YTT4.
1. Pranayama requirements as a Guide for Practice + Teaching with Chrissy. HOMEWORK: Email to .... Respond to each of the 4 requirements (p 11, YTT manual) with an idea or inspiration for your own teaching to others. How can these "requirements" set the stage for the ways in which we prepare for a pranayama practice? Why are these requirements important (or not important)? 1 hr, YTT4.
3. READ: A brief overview of YIN and WRITE: in your own words a description of YIN and YANG… OR DRAW a visual representation of the two energies. YTT4, .5 hours.
4. WRITE - Teaching styles: now that you have had quite a bit of exposure to different teachers and teaching styles, note things you enjoy and things you would omit as a teacher. How do we appeal to different types of learners (visual, kinesthetic, auditory)? What is your teaching style?! YTT4, .5 hours.
1. WATCH and PRACTICE the short BREATHING class for kids above with Stef. For full Llama Llama Class click here. .5 hrs, YTT1
REVIEW THIS Intro To Kids Yoga: Questions/comments about all things kids yoga: EMAIL .5 hrs, YTT4.
2. WATCH: Social Media Navigation: the spaces where yoga teachers and social media collide with Chrissy. Explore how to create healthy and abundant relationship with social media platforms. 1 hr, YTT4.
4. READ: The prologue to Krishnamacharya’s book, Yoga Makaranda: Historical context offers us a deeper understanding of systems East and West. Is there anything you’ve learned from this reading? Has it raised any questions or insights? EMAIL Chrissy. 1 hour, YTT4.
5. GRATEFUL YOGA Studio Tour : Visit Chrissy’s virtual yoga studio (passcode ALIVE25) click around and feel free to self-serve classes. FOR TODAY focus on branding, studio “vibes” if you will. CLICK the different tabs, LEARN about our studio. Look at the websites (NOT social media) of a few of your favorite yoga studios, or research some in your area. Consider the representations of yoga; what do you see? How do you feel? JOURNAL your own branding/marketing ideas. 1 hour, YTT4.
1. (see MODULE 5, Section 3, #1 for the class before this learning about Koshas if you haven’t already!) Homework: Create a sequence (5 posture minimum) to bring you through the koshas. Think of it like this if you need a little inspiration: each asana represents an aspect of posture awareness as you move through a yoga sequence and you can move from one “body” to the next. ALSO PRACTICE your sequence and reflect/refine. UPLOAD a image or recording of your sequence to our media album. 1 hr, YTT4.
5. Teaching with Themes with Mindy. Teaching with a theme helps with lesson planning, continuity and making classes fun! Homework: List 5 themes. Choose 5-7 postures to fit your theme. What postures did you choose? Why did you choose them? How can you tie it all together? Email Mindy your response! 1hr, YTT4.
1. Sequencing with Mindy. The Bikram sequence + a discussion… Homework: Thoughts on this does it feel in your body without the heat? What are some benefits? JOURNAL and any questions about sequencing? You’ve had exposure to quite a few types of classes and sequences… EMAIL Chrissy along questions/answers! 1 hour, YTT4.
3. HOMEWORK: Self guided practice - Yoga Nidra CHOOSE a resource below (up to 1 hour, YTT4):
Yoga Nidra with Chrissy: and/or this one
Search Yoga Nidra on Youtube
Use one from LoveYourBrain
4. The Pranayama Collection: VISIT this page, every pranayama class we’ve ever filmed! Chose a few videos to review or watch fresh… Consider this a resource and final COMPREHENSION review of pranayama techniques as a teacher and practitioner. 1 hour, YTT4.