YTT3 Collection from our 200 hour Modules


  • 6. READ THIS LETTER by David Williams and WRITE your own letter to students. You may choose to include some biographical information, some of your personal philosophy/perspective and your own definition of YOGA. Email this letter to Chrissy. .5 hr, YTT3.

    1. Defining Yoga + Teacher with Chrissy. BRAINSTORM words that come to mind when you think the word YOGA and the word TEACHER. READ Yoga Sutras 1:1+2 with the interpretation. Use the other docs as reference for now… All references are linked in the video description. PLEASE remember to always read every video Description, LIKE and leave a COMMENT. 1 hr, YTT3.

  • 3. Yama/Niyama Meditation + Sutra Studywith Chrissy. HOMEWORK: READ THIS(it’s 18 pages so take your time!) and then CHOOSE 1 yama and 1 niyama for contemplation, 1.5-2 hrs, YTT3.

  • 1. INCLUSIVITY: READ this articleand explore the issues around EQUALITY in yoga spaces. Pick one of the 5 key points at the end to RESPOND to. Consider these questions: who has practiced yoga historically? Where does yoga come from? Who practices yoga today? What do the ancient texts and scriptures tell us about inclusivity? How can you (as a practitioner and teacher) better support inclusivity? Email Chrissy a response including at least one resource you found insightful during your search! 1 hour, YTT3.

  • 2. Ashtanga Lineage, Opening/closing mantras + Intro to Cultural Appreciation: Lineage Part 2. Plus, we start with a translation + practice of the opening and closing mantras of the Ashtanga tradition! HOMEWORK: READ this article by Susanna Barkataki and READ this letter from Grateful Yoga (Chrissy’s Studio). Send comments to 1.5 hr, YTT3.

    3. Mantra Workshop with Chrissy. ASSIGNMENT: Choose 1 mantra, and practice it 4 ways (vocally, whispering, silently + written) for 5 minutes each technique. RESPOND + REFLECT via email to Chrissy. 1 hr YTT1 + .5 hr YTT3.

  • 6. WATCH/LISTEN/PRATICE: Yama/Niyama Meditation + Sutra Study with Chrissy. 1 hr, YTT3.

  • 1. BROWSE the Grateful Yoga studio blog: by Chrissy. WRITE your own blog piece that expresses your personal philosophy around practicing and/or teaching yoga. Consider these questions: How does it FEEL to learn and live in yoga? Where does yoga belong? What have you learned about the yamas and niyamas? How is it applied? This is PRACTICE in self expression. 1 hr, YTT3. (you may write up to 2 more of these for 2 more hours credit over the 10 module course) EMAIL to Chrissy.

  • 4. Types of Yoga with Chrissy. 1 hr, YTT3.

    • Homework #1: Choose 1 "old school" style discussed in the video to research. Does the practice change if we study yoga as a piece of human history? How? Can we gain knowledge of self through this study? Respond to Chrissy via email:

    • Homework #2: BRAINSTORM 5 styles of "new school" yoga and write what comes up in the comments below the video

  • 2. KARMA YOGA: Selfless service is an important part of the yoga philosophy. To offer without expectation of return is a large part of the work we do to set a healthy mindset and clear intention about who we are (APARIGRAHA - nonattachment and ISVARA PRANIDANA - surrender). Perhaps you volunteer already, or have been thinking about doing it for a long time. Do it! Journal and reflect, send Chrissy an email about the experience. 1 hour minimum, UP TO 3 HOURS of credit in YTT3 during your course of study.

  • 5. READ this story of the GAYATRI mantra. We see Sanskrit in stories, posture names, mantras, philosophy, etc. How can we learn by listening to stories? How can we share our own? WHY is this valuable to community + responsibility? JOURNAL. 1 hr, YTT3.

  • 4. DRISHTIS and Pratyahara (Part 1) with Chrissy . HOMEWORK: CONSIDER DRISHTI, the 3rd element in the Ashtanga practice and another connection between physical and mental practice (pranayama and bandhas being the ones we've looked at already). What are your favorite drishtis? Why is teaching drishti important? Where can we try to bridge the physical and mental gap as teachers and practitioners? Why is this valuable? JOURNAL. .5 hr, YTT3.

  • 3. Pratyahara + Philosophy (Part Two) with Chrissy. A brief discussion on Pratyahara and where/if it plays a role in "transformation"... READ THIS Sutra Reading + REFLECT: Where does turning inward act as a place/time/space for change or transformation? As a yoga teacher? Yoga practitioner? Human Being? Email Chrissy! 1 hr. YTT3.

  • 3. READ The Mango Tree Story written by Krishnamacharya himself: Consider the prologue excerpt from the previous section of this module. RESPOND in writing on the connection between energetic and physical practices. What does this story of the mango tree represent? EMAIL this to Chrissy. .75 hr, YTT3.