100 Hour Intensive Week 8:

Nov 4-9, 2024

MONDAY November 4, Day 22:

  • Ajna Chakra Mantra Meditation PRACTICE with us. And JOURNAL PROMPT: Imagine explaining “intuition” to a child. What words would you use to describe intuition? What stories or experiences explain it well to you personally? Is intuition something we can train ourselves to understand? 1 hr, YTT1.

  • PRACTICE Ashtanga: Intro to Second Series with us. 1.5 hrs, YTT1.

  • HOMEWORK: WATCH + Comment: The 8 Limbs and our family/philosophy tree with Chrissy. CREATE: a visual representation of your own being, feel free to include important places and philosophies or values (like the 8 limb tree on p 52) as well people like the lineage chart (p 50) and/or any other strong influences on your sense of self… Upload a photo of this to our Google media album! 1.5 hrs, YTT4.

    • WATCH + COMMENT: Ashtanga Lineage, Opening/closing mantras + Intro to Cultural Appreciation: 55 mins, YTT3… Including a translation + practice of the opening and closing mantras of the Ashtanga tradition!

TUESDAY Nov 5, Day 23:

  • PRACTICE: Chandra Yoga (FLOW). 1 hr, YTT1.

  • Watch + Leave a Comment on our weekly BOOK CLUB: Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Book 1; #20-23, 1 hr, YTT3. (includes your reading/prep time)

  • We had a graduate this week, Congrats to Rebecca on her 200 hr completion! Rebecca has agreed to share her practice class with us, please take the time to PRACTICE this 30 minute class with Rebecca .5 hr, YTT1.

    • HOMEWORK: WATCH + COMMENT: Defining Yoga + Teacher with Chrissy. BRAINSTORM words that come to mind when you think the word YOGA and the word TEACHER. Consider the definitions of Yoga we have gotten so far form the Yoga Sutras. Consider some of the guest teachers we’ve had in the past 8 weeks and teachers from your past.

    • Use this to find words and qualities you wish to embody as a teacher and person who practicces yoga, on and off of the mat!

    • 1 hr, YTT3.

SATURDAY Nov 9, Day 24

  • PRACTICE Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra Meditation with Chrissy. 45 mins, YTT1.

  • PRACTICE Vinyasa with Chrissy. 1 hr, YTT1.

  • WATCH + COMMENT: PART 1 Head Chakras // Mind Mantras with Chrissy. 45 minutes, YTT1.

  • Then Watch + Comment PART 2 Studying the Brain // Mind with Chrissy. 30 mins, YTT2.

    • REFERENCES: Buddha’s Brain Key Points CLICK HERE by Rick Hanson, plus his website. And www.loveyourbrain.com excellent TBI source, also free meditations for all! 

      • HOMEWORK: READ this article from Yoga International and review this diagram. RESPOND: What are the differences between the Brain and the Mind? Can you make any comparisons or analogies to help you and your students understand this? Do you feel any connection to the physical part of the brain and the energetic parts of the brain (the chakras)? And/or the physical/energetic connections to the 7 primary chakras? 1 hour, YTT3

      • Please EMAIL this response directly to Chrissy along with any/all questions/comments about the Chakras!

CONGRATULATIONS on completing WEEK 8 of the 100 hour intensive!