100 Hour Intensive Week 7:
Oct 28-Nov 2, 2024
MONDAY October 28, Day 19:
PRACTICE Vishudda Chakra Mantra Meditation with Chrissy. And JOURNAL PROMPT: Consider your throat and your voice. Have you ever felt like there was something you wanted to say but had a hard time actually verbalizing it? Have you ever wanted to express yourself vocally, but felt restricted for some reason? How is “finding your voice” more than something just for yoga teachers in training? 1 hr, YTT1.
PRACTICE Ashtanga (a primary/secondary mix!) with us. 1.5 hrs, YTT1.
TUESDAY Oct 29, Day 20:
PRACTICE: Chandra Yoga (RESTORATIVE). 1 hr, YTT1.
Watch + Leave a Comment on our weekly BOOK CLUB: Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Book 1; #17-19, 1 hr, YTT3. (includes your reading/prep time)
SATURDAY Nov 2, Day 21
PRACTICE Ajna Chakra Meditation with Chrissy. 60 mins, YTT1.
PRACTICE Vinyasa with Chrissy, Focus on your breath, se if you can breathe a little bit more…! 60 mins, YTT1.
LISTEN to Shiva Stories with Chrissy with a special consideration for Third Eye (Intuition/Knowing), Karma and Ego. 30 mins, YTT3.
HOMEWORK: Research, Read and Paraphrase a story of any Hindu Deity. This is an opportunity to actively learn about the most ancient part of the lineage that comes from SE Asia. It’s a privilege to be able to Read and Share these stories!
EMAIL your paraphrased story to Chrissy
JOURNAL about this practice and the lessons taught thru this story/stories. How can we incorporate storytelling into our yoga teaching? Why? How can we incorporate history and culture? Why?
1 hr, YTT3.