100 Hour Intensive Week 4:

Oct 7-Oct 12, 2024

MONDAY October 7, Day 10:

TUESDAY Oct 8, Day 11:

  • PRACTICE: Chandra Yoga (RESTORATIVE/YIN). 1 hr, YTT1.

  • Watch + Leave a Comment on our weekly BOOK CLUB: Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Book 1; #12-14, 1 hr, YTT3. (includes your reading/prep time/homework below)

    • HOMEWORK: Review Sutras 1-14 and make any notes, questions, comments to share on Oct 22 during our next class!!

    • PLEASE NOTE: Class on Tues Oct 15 (NEXT WEEK) is from *6-8 pm* with Mindy and will offer practice, discussion on creating/holding space and some shoulder anatomy. Please note the time change and tune in LIVE if you are able, what a treat! No LIVE CLASSES Sat Oct 14, no Mon Oct 14, see recordings below and beyond.

SATURDAY October 12, Day 12 ***NO LIVE CLASS***

  • LEARN Pran(A)natomy: The 5 Vayus with Chrissy

    • ASSIGNMENT: Create a physical representation of the 5 vayus (digital, by hand or otherwise!) and upload to our YTT media album, CLICK HERE.

    • 1 hr, YTT2.

  • PRACTICE Vinyasa with Chrissy (a 90 minutes practice from the archives!) 1.5 hrs, YTT1.

  • WATCH: DRISHTIS and Pratyahara (Part 1) with Chrissy. CONSIDER DRISHTI, the 3rd element in the Ashtanga practice and another connection between physical and mental practice (pranayama and bandhas being the ones we've looked at already). What are your favorite drishtis? Why is teaching drishti important? Where can we try to bridge the physical and mental gap as teachers and practitioners? Why is this valuable? JOURNAL