100 hr Intensive WEEK 4

January 27-Feb 1, 2025

DAY 13 : Monday, January 27

  • PRACTICE: Mantra Meditation with Chrissy

    • JOURNAL PROMPT: Consider the concept of a seed, bija, and that all the coding for an entire system (roots, branches, leaves, flowers, fruits) exists within 1 seed. Given the right conditions growth and possibility are inevitable.

    • 1 hr, YTT1.

  • Ashtanga Practice: Intro to First + Some Second with Chrissy. 1.5 hrs, YTT1.

DAY 14 : Tuesday, January 28

  • WATCH + Take Notes… Book Club: Myths of the Asanas, CLICK HERE for the reading: Story of CHAKRASANA. Also referenced, p 11 of your YTT manual. 1 hr, YTT3.

    • JOURNAL: about the word “chakra”. What about the theory that all energy is recycled energy? Do you agree? Is it empowering? How do you experience cycles, or circles? Daily? Monthly? Yearly, etc?

  • PRACTICE Chandra Yoga *RESTORATIVE* with Chrissy. 1 hr, YTT1.

DAY 15: Thursday, January 30 - Prerecorded classes and content:

  • Mantra + Identity w/ Chrissy (p 24 of the YTT manual) Why do we do mantra? It is important to have a sense of self as a teacher. We want to get to know you also! Homework: READ our YTT Staff Bios. Submit a PHOTO of yourself and WRITE a BIO (1 paragraph minimum) to our album here. When you upload the photo to our media album you will be able to type or paste the BIO in the description of your photo. 1.5 hrs, YTT4.

  • PRACTICE F L O W Down with Chrissy. .75 hrs, YTT1.

DAY 16: Saturday, February 1

  • PRACTICE: Pranayama with Chrissy. 1 hr, YTT1.

    • JOURNAL PROMPT: What is your experience of pranayama so far? What have you learned? unlearned? Pranayama is 1 of 8 limbs, what value does it hold for your own practice? Your teaching?

  • PRACTICE Vinyasa with Chrissy. 1 hr, YTT1.

  • HALF WAY CHECK-IN!! As we round out 50 hours of YTT time it’s important to reflect and review what we’ve learned so far…

    • REVIEW the content in Weeks 1-4, complete all classes AND assignments. Make sure you are tracking your hours and educational categories.

    • DEFINE Prana. Create a 5-15 minute class explaining “prana” to someone who has never heard the term before. Include at least ONE practice (an asana, pranayama or mantra) to help you demonstrate prana.

    • PRACTICE TEACH IT and UPLOAD a video recording of you teaching this (5-15 mins) to our media album here.

    • SELF EVALUATION: once you feel you have made your way thru all of the above, please CLICK HERE and fill our our half-way check evaluation, 8 short questions in review + reflection as we head into Week 5!