100 hr Intensive WEEK 2

January 13-18, 2025

DAY 5 : Monday, January 13

  • 6 am Mantra Meditation

    • JOURNAL: what do you notice about doing mantra silently or out-loud? silence or sound? vibration or stillness? Consider the dynamics of duality we learn form yoga + meditation.

    • 1 hr, YTT1.

  • 7 am Ashtanga Primary Practice. 1.5 hr, YTT1.


    • WATCH THIS Intro to the Bandhas with Chrissy

    • WATCH this REVIEW of Mula Bandha and the 5 elements. Including resources: pg 10 of the Rise + Vibe YTT Manual plus, this mulabandha diagram

    • READ THIS piece about mulabandha written by your 500 hr peer Andrea Bottiggi

    • What other questions or comments do you have on Mulabandha? Email Chrissy

    • 1.5 hrs, YTT2.

      PLEASE REMEMBER to comment/question on + LIKE all the videos you watch always. I use this as attendance to check in on who’s moving thru the recordings. Asana, meditation, lecture, etc… ALL the videos get a comment +/or LIKE so I know you were there. Thank you!

DAY 6 : Tuesday, January 14

DAY 7 : Thursday, January 16

  • WATCH + take notes: Intro/Review the Niyamas

    • Choose 1 Niyama for contemplation/practice. WRITE it down, leave it in the video COMMENTS, memorize it and JOURNAL.

    • HOMEWORK: READ Sutras 40-45 from Book 2 of Swami Satchidananda’s translation of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. CLICK HERE for a copy of the reading.

    • 1 hr, YTT4. + .5 hr, YTT3.

  • PRACTICE F L O W Down. 1 hr, YTT1.

DAY 8 : Saturday, January 18

  • PRACTICE Pranayama Meditation with Chrissy. 1 hr, YTT1,

  • PRACTICE Vinyasa with Chrissy. 1 hr, YTT1.

  • WATCH + REVIEW the 5 Elements of Practice: Ashtanga + Vinyasa tradition. Any questions on these techniques?? .5 hr, YTT4.

  • HOMEWORK: Ida, Pingala and Sushumna with Chrissy. .5 hr, YTT2. This is an intro to ENERGETIC anatomy.

  • HOMEWORK: INCLUSIVITY: READ this article and explore the issues around EQUALITY in yoga spaces. Pick one of the 5 key points at the end to RESPOND to. Consider these questions: who has practiced yoga historically? Where does yoga come from? Who practices yoga today? What do the ancient texts and scriptures tell us about inclusivity? How can you (as a practitioner and teacher) better support inclusivity? Email Chrissy a response including at least one resource you found insightful during your search! 1 hour, YTT3.