100 Hour Intensive Week 2:
January 15-20, 2024
MONDAY January 15, Day 5:
Mantra Meditation PRACTICE with us. Om Gam Ganapatayei Namaha and more on Ganesha, divinity and prayer vs mantra! JOURNAL PROMPT: consider your own relationship to mantra/prayer as well as the societal/cultural relations from your environment or other learned sources… 1 hr, YTT1.
PRACTICE Intro To Ashtanga with us. 1.5 hrs, YTT1.
Asana Lab: WATCH Padangusthasana + Padahastasana and take notes. Remember for every lab to try and photograph yourself and upload HERE to our YTT media folder. .5 hrs, YTT2.
HOMEWORK: Create a STANDING SEQUENCE. Consider the asanas from Sun Salutations, the Ashtanga Standing Series (p 27-34 of your YTT manual) and any other standing postures you love. Create a 10 posture series. Consider the definition of VINYASA: to put together or to take a part, with intention or in a particular way. Create teaching notes, as if you wanted to memorize and teach this series to someone and PHOTOGRAPH or SCREENSHOT your notes. Submit this photo to our media album HERE so we can all swap thoughts + inspiration! Up to 1 hr, YTT4.
TUESDAY January 16, Day 6:
PRACTICE Chandra Yoga Flow 1 hr, YTT1.
BOOK CLUB: Yoga Sutras of Patanjali translated by Swami Satchidananda, Book 2; #32-34 READ first then WATCH. Leave comments as discussion, and JOURNAL. 1 hour, YTT3.
More resources on Pratipaksa Bhavana: https://theyogainstitute.org/pratipaksha-bhavana/ https://integralyogamagazine.org/patanjalis-words-pratipaksha-bhavana/
THURSDAY January 18, Day 7:
F L O W Down PRACTICE .75 hrs, YTT1.
SATURDAY January 20, Day 8
PRACTICE Nadi Shodana Pranayama with Chrissy. With an intro to “prana” and some other Sanskrit terms… 1 hr, YTT1.
OOPS. I forgot to record this session. Please watch this video, which I recorded after the fact in review and recap of our discussion of NIYAMA. Choose one Niyama for contemplation, write it down AND share it in the comments along with any questions, thoughts, discussion points, etc. Consider this Niyama thru a Professional lens. Where do we hold personal responsibility to apply these practices? How do we create more access for others? JOURNAL. .5 hrs, YTT4.
Practice VINYASA with Chrissy, and be MINDFUL, stay PRESENT. 1 hour, YTT1.
CONGRATULATIONS on completing WEEK 2 of the 100 hour intensive!
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